Meet Sara Serritella

Sara Serritella is the Chief Ectomy Officer (CEO) of Jargonectomy. She is an award-winning investigative journalist turned Director of Communications at theĀ Institute for Translational MedicineĀ thatā€™s powered by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). She is a lecturer at The University of Chicago and UChicagoā€™s Pritzker School of Medicine, where she co-built and teaches the first for-credit science communication courses for medical students, graduate students in UChicago's new masterā€™s in biomedical sciences program, and undergraduates.

Saraā€™s high-energy presentations grace the stages of global and national conferences, and she trains physicians and researchers across the NIHā€™s Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program and its academic medical centers on how to communicate their science and medicine to the general public.

As a partner atĀ VantiusĀ and licensed private detective, Saraā€™s favorite high-profile cases are helping to exonerate wrongfully-convicted individuals.

She translates behavioral science and field experience connecting with people of all backgrounds to her work in science communication and education. Sara is also a proud alum of Northwestern Universityā€™s Medill School of Journalism, Media, and Integrated Marketing Communication. She has reported at media outlets across the country and been part of Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage.

Sara is a lover of rescue pit bulls, yoga, travel, and awesome alliteration.

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